Jacinth will consider applicants for the AY 2024-25 intake.
Fast-Track Master's Program (only for current SMU undergrads):
Jacinth will consider applicants for the FTMP AY 2024-25 intake.
***Before applying to any of the above programs, please write to jacinthtan@smu.edu.sg, with your CV and a brief statement of your research interest(s).
*Undergraduate Research Assistants*
We are constantly looking for highly conscientious and intrinsically motivated undergraduates to help out with various projects in the lab as RAs.
RAs are expected to commit at least 4-5 hours per week to lab activities, including attending a bi-weekly lab meeting, during the regular semester. A two-semester commitment is preferred. RAs will be paid by the hour following the standard SMU student assistant rates.
If you would like to join us as an RA, please send the following to jacinthtan@smu.edu.sg:
Latest CV
Latest academic transcript
200-250 word statement briefly highlighting: 1) why you are interested in working in this lab and, 2) what you hope to learn or achieve from this experience.