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  • The lab celebrates the completion of the Spencer project with a wrap party for the research team!

  • The lab welcomes new research assistants Hui Mei, Elvina, Shauna, Mei En, Josiah and Yiyang. 

  • Greg presented a research poster at SPSP on how the influence of meta-perceptions of competence on self-esteem is moderated by subjective social class.

  • Jacinth gave a talk at SPSP on how socioeconomic diversity predicts differences in life satisfaction, as part of a symposium on when presence of others help or hurt well-being.


  • The lab celebrates everyone's efforts and achievements with a pizza party!

  • Greg successfully defended his Master's Thesis and passed the PhD Qualifying Exams. He is now a Doctoral Candidate!  

  • Greg received the SPSP Graduate Registration Award! This will fund his attendance at the 2024 SPSP conference.

  • The lab welcomes Adela, Ping Zhi and Jarrod as research assistants.

  • Yan Fen joins the lab as a first year PhD student - welcome!

  • Jacinth received the Social Science and Humanities Research Fellowship, along with a 5-year grant to study how exposure to socioeconomic diversity shapes cross-class relations.

  • Jacinth gave an invited seminar talk on "Socioeconomic status, social comparison, & happiness" at the Ingolstadt School of Management, Germany.

  • Amos successfully defends his Master's thesis and will begin a psychologist position at the Ministry of Defense.

  • Jacinth joins the Editorial Board of Emotion.


  • Greg joins the lab as a second year PhD student - welcome!

  • Benjamin successfully defended his Senior Thesis and will join the Ministry of Finance as an Associate.

  • Tricia successfully defended her Master's thesis and will join the SMU College of Integrative Studies as a Research Associate.

  • The lab welcomes Hui Ping, Shadiccha, and Justyn as research assistants.

  • Faith joins as our first full-time lab manager - welcome!

  • Jacinth gave an invited seminar talk on "Socioeconomic inequalities in academic motivation and persistence" at the Tembusu College, Yale-NUS.

  • Nadya successfully defended her Master's thesis and will begin her PhD training in Quantitative Psychology at NUS Department of Psychology in the new academic year.

  • Bek Way successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Tang - our very first graduating PhD student from the lab!

  • Faith successfully defended her senior thesis on "Moral judgments in the presence of high status versus low status other", which also won the Best Senior Thesis award!

  • Faith, Amos and Nadya presented their independent research projects at the 2022 SPSP Conference (virtual).


  • Nadya's research paper on "Meta-perceptions of racial group inferiority and foreignness predict actual self-perceptions" was awarded first runner up (postgrad category) and top 3 best submissions (open category) at the Student Research Awards by the Singapore Psychological Society!

  • Nadya received the International Society for Self & Identity (ISSI) 2021 Mini Research Grant, a competitive grant awarded to the top 10% of research proposals on self & identity research. This grant will fund her ongoing Master's Thesis research on identity denial experiences in Singapore.

  • Amos received the SPSP Diversity Undergraduate Registration Award. This will fund his attendance at the 2022 SPSP conference, where he will be presenting a research poster on a meta-analysis of social status manipulations. 

  • The lab welcomes Emma, Eunice, & Benjamin as research assistants.

  • Bek Wuay and Jacinth co-wrote a commentary for CNA about how teachers should not be expected to deal with burnout on their own, and that various sources of support should be provided to help them cope.

  • Jacinth gave an invited talk at the AASP (virtual) conference, where she shared how awareness of social class similarity vs. dissimilarity affects physiology and behaviours during a dyadic interaction.

  • Bek Wuay gave a talk as part of a symposium at the AASP (virtual) conference on cross-country differences in the estimations of upward social mobility. 

  • Tricia gave a talk as part of a symposium at the AASP (virtual) conference on how social class influences social support seeking behaviors.

  • Prithipal successfully completed and defended her Senior Thesis, and will graduate this July. Congrats and the lab will miss you!

  • SHAWLab celebrated the efforts and achievements of all members in the past academic year with a bubble-tea wrap party! 

  • Jacinth was awarded the Spencer Foundation Small Research Grant as the lead PI (with Dr. Chin Hong Tan at NTU as co-PI) to study the link between chronic stress and academic persistence among socioeconomically disadvantaged students. 

  • Jacinth (lead PI) and Bek Wuay (collaborator) were awarded the MOE AcRF Tier 1 research grant to study how work meaning is linked to workplace burnout.

  • Jacinth gave an invited talk at the SPSP Happiness & Well-Being Pre-conference (virtual), where she shared her work on how subjective socioeconomic standing relates to well-being.

  • Nadya receives the SPSP Diversity Award and her poster on "Daily stress and optimism" is runner-up for the SPSP Student Poster Award. Congrats on this double achievement! 

  • Jacinth joins the Editorial Board of the journal Affective Science.


  • New paper published at Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice

  • Nadya's research paper on "Dyslexia & Creativity: A meta-analysis" was awarded the Best Quantitative Research Paper (undergrad category) by Singapore Psychological Society!

  • Bek Wuay represents SMU as one of three finalists in the "3-Minute Thesis Singapore" competition!

  • Phyu and Amos join the lab as research assistants.

  • Nadya and Tricia join the lab as Master's Thesis students.

  • Prithipal joins the lab as a Senior Thesis student.

  • Jiaming was awarded the "Ho See Beng Excellence Award" as the top graduating student in Psychology!

  • Praveen and Darren join as interns of the lab's inaugural Summer Internship Program.

  • Jiaming and Emerlyn successfully completed and defended their senior theses. Both will be graduating as well. Congrats and you will be missed!



  • SHAWLab celebrated the efforts and achievements of all lab members in the past semester with a chicken-pie wrap party! 

  • Bek Wuay passed her Qualifying Examinations and is officially a Doctoral Candidate.

  • Emerlyn and Jasmine join the lab as research assistants.

  • Bek Wuay successfully defended her Master's Thesis.

  • Jacinth was awarded the MOE AcRF Tier 1 research grant as the lead PI to study how social class backgrounds shape relational interdependence.

  • Jacinth was awarded the MOE AcRF Tier 1 research grant as a co-I to study the links between socioeconomic status, cardiovascular, and brain functions. Dr. Chin Hong Tan at NTU is the lead PI on the grant.

  • Jacinth gave a talk at SPSP on how partner commitment is important for well-being among lower-class individuals, as part of a symposium on social class and relationships.



  • SHAWLab celebrated the efforts and achievements of all lab members in the past semester with a pizza wrap party! 

  • Jacinth gave a talk at the NUS Psychology Department Colloquium on studying the dynamics of cross-class interactions using a physiological linkage approach.

  • Jasmine and Jiaming join as undergraduate research assistants.

  • Bek Wuay joins the lab as a PhD student.

  • SHAWLab was born at the Singapore Management University, School of Social Sciences.

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